Monday, March 4, 2013

Briton's Wishing Sky Lantern

In addition to celebrating Briton's birthday, Michelle (Mike's sister) got us a Wishing Sky Lantern to light and send off.  We decided to write a few messages/wishes on the lantern before sending it on it's way.  

                                    So So much for that that silly rule about not revealing your wish for fear it won't come true

  As we lit Briton's lantern, and started to watch it fly North, we couldn't help but wonder how far it might actually travel....Bellefonte?  Harrison?  St. Louis?  Britain???  :)  Possibly even South Korea???....we can only hope.  

  After seeing the light get dimmer and dimmer, finally to float out of sight, the sad truth came upon us that Briton's lantern might not even make it out of Valley Springs.  (we actually had a funny laugh over this)

Regardless of how far the wishing lantern goes, and whoever the lucky person is that finds it, we ask that you keep us and Briton in your prayers...that one day REAL SOON, we'll be able to light a wishing lantern as a family - mom, dad, and son.

Sending you lots of love on your 1st birthday, Briton!  
We love you,
    Mom & Dad  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwww....makes me homesick for Briton. Granny and Grandad want him home, too! We're praying!